hari yang lalu saya main ke kos teman. Iya, beberapa hari yang lalu pas di
tengah-tengah UTS itu. Kenapa malah main-main? Ya sebenernya enggak main-main
juga, cuman kangen aja we've never been able to see each other lately, and we
both have something to tell, dan kalau nunggu UTS nya selesai maka akan lama
sekali karena she got something to do right after exams over. So well, hari
sebelum ujian Kimia Organik itu I spent some quality time with her. Terus pas
udah pulang sesampainya di kos, saya jadi males banget belajar. hahaha. Feels
like it's not gonna be enough time every time we're together cause we'll just
keep talking and talking and talking, and kemarin itu..we need to stop karena
we both have exams the next day. Jadinya kaya masih tanggung gitu terus jadi
males belajar.... *ada hubungannya ngga sih ._.
So this friend of mine is literally knows almost
everything about me. Or, well, I tell everything ._. Ya sebenarnya saya orangnya emang suka cerita.
Kalau lagi kenapa gitu misalnya, mesti cerita, sama siapapun yang bisa diajak
cerita. Tapi kalau kenapa-napa nya banget malah biasanya enggak cerita.
Maksudnya, misal nih saya enggak bisa ngerjain soal ujian ya. Habis itu
biasanya saya cerita ke temen 'eh tadi aku nggak bisa ngerjain ig..' lalala,
lalala. Tapi kalau saya bener-bener ngga bisa ngerjain, at all sama sekali,
misalkan satu nomor pun enggak bisa, saya malah ngga bakal cerita. Diem
aja...mungkin karena takut buat cerita (?). Enggak tau sih mungkin saya juga
nggak mau banyak orang tau, atau mungkin saya belum siap kalau orang-orang tau.
Nah, dengan sifat saya yang seperti itu, biasanya
only certain people yang saya biarkan tau tentang hal-hal tertentu tadi. This
one friend, is one of them.
Dari awal masuk tekkim semua-semua cerita sama
dia, saya juga dikasih tau macem-macem. Pokoknya she's so helpful baiknya nggak
ngerti lagi. Semoga besok kamu dapet orang yang baik juga ya.. *lho kok sampe
Betewee dia juga yang ngenalin saya sama....
sama teman baru :)
Well, about the things I keep myself, actually I'm
pretty good at that. Pernah dulu saya punya teman dekat. Kinds of friend you
could tell everything to, a very very best friend you could ask for. But for a
reason, I could not tell people about our friendship. And for a reason, we
remain friends...didn't go further than that, or, we could not go further than
that. But for me, having a friend like him was more than enough. He could
understand me and I somehow could understand him as well.
....and did I like him?
haha I don't know what kinds of feeling I have
towards him. He was just like...a home for me. One that I could go back to
wherever I came from. One that always supports me whatever I was doing. He was
always that good. He was always that good to me. He was....yes he was.
It's not the same anymore, ever since. Why? We
decide to take our own path, or at least..
I did.
It was difficult for me to stay close to him since
I know we can't be together. It's difficult for me to settle down the feelings
I have and I know that I was just a friend to him.
And this might also be the reason for me being so
careful now every time I start to like someone.
Though it went this way I'm still grateful, that I
got the chance to know you that close for a time. I've got the chance to have a
beautiful friendship and learn a lot from you, thanks for all the things you've
done for me. That one thing I could never say it to you because...because
whatever the reason, thank you :)
One thing that doesn't change my mind, is that
you're a good person. From the very beginning I know you till the time I write
this, you're still a good person to me. And let me tell you something, you
might not know about this but people surrounds you have the same opinions as
mine, and you deserve that.
I know one day you're gonna meet a good person for
you to spent the rest of your life with. And when that day comes, I'll be one
of the people that will be happy for you. Yes I will be happy for you :)
That is one of the stories in my life that I keep
myself -not until I post this here.
Dan sebelum hari ini, satu-satunya orang yang tahu
-atau yang saya beri tahu- hanya teman saya tadi. Karena saya enggak berani
memberi tahu yang lain?
So am I brave enough now, that I decide to write
it here?
I'm not quite sure about that either. I just feel
to write it here after I have this kind of talk with her.
Well everyone might have their own stories that they
want to keep 'em themselves or tell it to people, and they also have the choice to cherish those as memories, or just forget about it.
And anyway, thanks for reading.. :)
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